
Silver Jeans

Silver Jeans is an online retailer that sells premium denim apparel for men and women.


Silver Jeans recognized that their existing ecommerce platform was not meeting the needs of their customers and was limiting their potential for growth. They identified that by upgrading to SFRA, they could improve the technical performance of their website, while also providing a more seamless and intuitive user experience for their customers. To achieve this goal, I conducted extensive user research and analysis to better understand their target audience's needs and preferences. This informed the design strategy and the creation of wireframes and mockups that focused on improving navigation, product pages, and the checkout process. Usability testing and A/B testing were then conducted to ensure the design was optimized for the target audience and resulted in a positive user experience. The result was a modern and visually appealing ecommerce site that met the needs of Silver Jeans' target audience, improved site performance, and ultimately increased customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Scope of work

Design System, User Research, User Interface Design for Web, Tablet & Mobile app


Figma, Miro

Prototype Link


My Role

As Product designer, My responsibilities included:
- Conducting user research
- Creating user personas, entity maps, and user journeys.
- Prototyping our solutions
- Validating designs with user feedback sessions and testing
- Supporting implementation with specs, assets, and iteration which can help the engineers if we decide to build the product.


We began the project by conducting both primary and secondary research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience. We conducted interviews with current to gather information about their shopping habits, preferences, and pain points. We also analyzed market trends, competitor websites, and best practices for ecommerce website design to identify features and functionality that could improve the user experience. Based on our research findings, we created user personas to represent the different types of customers who visit the Silver Jeans website. We identified key user needs and pain points and used this information to guide the design process.

Step 1 - I started of with a UX Evaluation of the current

We conducted usability testing with a group of target audience members to evaluate the new site design and functionality. Participants provided feedback on the site's ease of use, visual appeal, and overall satisfaction. Based on their feedback, we made further design revisions to improve the user experience. We also conducted A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of different design elements, such as the placement of the search bar and the use of product recommendations. This helped us optimize the site design to improve user engagement and conversion rates.



Using the research insights, we developed a design strategy to address the needs of the target audience and enhance the user experience. We created wireframes and mockups to visualize the new site layout and functionality, including an improved navigation system, enhanced product pages, and a streamlined checkout process.

One of the challenges we faced was that Silver Jeans did not have a design system in place. This meant that there was no consistent visual language or set of design guidelines to follow, which could lead to inconsistencies across the site. To address this issue, we proposed creating a design system that would provide a consistent and cohesive user experience.

We began by defining the brand's visual identity and creating a set of design guidelines. We established a color palette, typography, iconography, and imagery style that aligned with the brand's values and target audience. We also developed a set of design patterns and components that could be reused across the site, such as buttons, forms, and cards.

To ensure that the design system was effective, we collaborated closely with Silver Jeans' development team to ensure that the components could be easily integrated into the site. We also provided documentation and training to ensure that the Silver Jeans team could effectively use and maintain the design system going forward.

The visual design was inspired by the brand's existing aesthetic, with a focus on simplicity and elegance. We used the design system to ensure consistency across the site and provide a seamless user experience. We used a neutral color palette to highlight the product images and created a visual hierarchy to guide users through the site. We also used large, clear typography to make the site easy to read and created a responsive design that optimized the user experience across different devices.


We conducted usability testing with a group of target audience members to evaluate the new site design and functionality. Participants provided feedback on the site's ease of use, visual appeal, and overall satisfaction. Based on their feedback, we made further design revisions to improve the user experience. We also conducted A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of different design elements, such as the placement of the search bar and the use of product recommendations. This helped us optimize the site design to improve user engagement and conversion rates.


I worked closely with development team to implement the new design and upgrade the site to SFRA. We ensured that the site was optimized for search engines, mobile devices, and different browsers. We also integrated the design system into the development process to ensure consistency across the site.


The new site design and SFRA upgrade have resulted in significant improvements in site performance, scalability, and security. The enhanced user experience has also led to increased customer satisfaction, as evidenced by higher conversion rates and positive customer feedback. The improved navigation system has made it easier for customers to find what they are looking for, and the streamlined checkout process has resulted in higher completion rates.

Overall, the project has been a success, and Silver Jeans now has a modern and user-friendly ecommerce site that meets the needs of their target audience. The design system has also provided a consistent visual language and set of guidelines that can be used to maintain a cohesive user experience across the site.


Visual Design

Visual design plays a crucial role in enhancing the shopping experience on the Silver Jeans ecommerce platform, creating an inviting and user-friendly interface that encourages customer engagement.

    You can checkout some of designs here