

The comprehensive fleet management app designed to streamline vehicle reservations and check-outs for Compass Health's 80+ clinics and hospitals, enhancing efficiency and control


The Fleet Management System project aimed at streamlining the way Compass Health manages its vehicle fleet. Compass Health operates 80+ clinics and hospitals, each with several fleets used by medical professionals and office employees for various purposes, including traveling between offices, visiting patients, and transporting patients. This project aims to replace the outdated Excel sheets and manual processes currently in use, offering a modern and user-friendly solution that enhances efficiency, improves communication, and maximizes resource utilization.

The new Fleet Management System will provide an intuitive and comprehensive platform to enable seamless vehicle reservation, check-out, and monitoring, empowering users and admins with efficient visibility and control.

Scope of work

Design System, User Research , User Interface Design & User Testing


Figma, Adobe Illustrator

My Role

As the Lead UX Designer and Developer, my responsibilities included:
- Leading a team of three design interns, providing mentorship and step-by-step guidance throughout the project
- Conducting comprehensive user research and analysis
- Creating detailed user personas, entity maps, and user journeys
- Developing high-fidelity prototypes of our solutions
- Validating designs through user feedback sessions and testing.
- Creating thorough documentation and a complete research plan
- Creating complete user guide and admin guide for the product
- Supporting implementation with detailed specs, assets, and iterative feedback to assist engineers in building the product


We created a research plan to guide our research process, which included user interviews. We conducted interviews with Compass Health employees, Car Captains and Fleet Managers to understand their current fleet management process and identify their pain points and needs. We also conducted a observation and workflow Analysis to evaluate existing fleet management solutions and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

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Download User Interview Questions and Interview Transcripts.pdf
User Persona

Understanding who our users are.

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    User Journey - Current System

    Understanding the existing fleet process.

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    User Journey - New System

    Creating a new experience for the fleet process.

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    Data Visualization - Research

    Based on our interviews we identified the key KPIs that are important for the Admins which will help them take major fleet actiosn like deploying new vehicles etc. .

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Our Solution

Contact me to know more about the solution and for a detailed walkthrough of the complete functionality and also for detailed user guide and admin guide for the product we created.


Design System

Since, Compass Health did not have any design system before we created a basic style guide to maintain consistency and scalability across the product.

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